Shinagawa Intelligence Co Ltd - Kaohsiung, Taiwan
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Shinagawa Intelligence Co Ltd
T'ai-wan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
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Company description
At S11, we are revolutionizing the way people do business. We go above and beyond just making "business apps" and merging social learning and group practice to make independent brand ownership sustainable and globally scalable. Whether you are an English tutor, a freelance copywriter, a developer on Fiverr or Upwork, you can use the Shinagawa Method to take your business to the next level. With this powerful tool, you can go from being an online seller to having a multi-country, multi-platform, sustainable and scalable brand with testable and quantifiable market value.
Our machine learning and social networking capabilities give our S11 Indy Brand Owners access to exponential business power and revenue growth. We make this possible with our Funnel Factory suite of business power tools
Finally, S11 Indy Brand Owners can use Blog Machine and HyperSnipe to spread their message to the world with media power that rivals professional news groups. Welcome to the future of global commerce - right here at S11: Information At Your Service!
Our machine learning and social networking capabilities give our S11 Indy Brand Owners access to exponential business power and revenue growth. We make this possible with our Funnel Factory suite of business power tools
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that quickly produce sales funnel architecture. Additionally, our COACH artificial intelligence virtual assistant handles and automates offer and marketing data work - just like SIRI and CORTANA.Finally, S11 Indy Brand Owners can use Blog Machine and HyperSnipe to spread their message to the world with media power that rivals professional news groups. Welcome to the future of global commerce - right here at S11: Information At Your Service!
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