Tetanti Agribiotech Inc. - Taichung, Taiwan
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Tetanti Agribiotech Inc.
T'ai-wan, Taichung, Taiwan
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Dr. Young is a renowned expert in the field of agronomy and soil science, having earned a PhD degree from the University of Hawaii. He is widely recognized as a pioneer for his work in organic fertilizer and soil microorganisms in Taiwan, and was even awarded the distinction of Academician in 2016. TTT® technology is a revolutionary concept that has changed the traditional microbial composting process by using enzymes to rapidly stabilize and mature organic waste. This revolutionary process increases the maturing efficiency by over 100-fold, while creating zero pollution and avoiding the unpleasant odors and waste water produced from traditional composting processes. With his profound influence in Taiwan, Dr. Young is ready to lead the business to international expansion and place our
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group at the forefront of the circular economy. We offer a broad microorganism and enzyme database with more than 7,000 bacterial isolates that provide functional and optimized enzyme formulations for a variety of composting materials. Our professional know-how services in rapid composting technology combine microbiology, biochemistry, soil science, physics, and long-term practical experience to provide comprehensive solutions for any organic waste. With the pollution-free rapid composting technology, there will no longer be any NIMBY protests from the local community.Listed in categories
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