Avalanche Computing Taiwan Inc. - Taipei

Avalanche Computing Taiwan Inc.
Company name
Avalanche Computing Taiwan Inc.
Taipei, Taiwan
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Company description
Avalanche Computing is a cutting-edge technology provider that specializes in hyper-scale computing for the intelligence industry. Founded in 2018, their founder's work for NVIDIA USA has focused on performance analysis for AI applications in data centers and large-scale applications (e.g. FB, Google, AWS, MS, etc.). Currently, the company focuses on providing performance-optimized AI workflows for the smart medical and manufacturing industries. After the 2021 Consumer Electronics Show, they announced FAST-AI, a click-through deep learning accelerator tool that supports more than 3 verticals.

Their mission is to help AI experts and domain experts save time and effort on the following tasks: 1. No AI environment configuration; 2. AI model training without changing the original network  
Show more design; 3. AI model inference as fast as possible without deployment pipeline configuration; 4. Help traditional companies use AI with a 50% hardware cost reduction and more than 7 times faster than before; 5. Provide the best performance-optimized AI workflow (end-to-end solution) to privacy-sensitive clients (those who cannot use the public cloud). This way, AI experts can focus their creativity on innovation.

Currently, Avalanche Computing's products include: 1. Smart Labeling (AI-assistant for data annotation); 2. Hyper-Scale Computing Framework; 3. FAST-AI: Hyper-Scale Training (Automatic Parallel the AI model training task); 4. F


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