HippoScreen Neurotech Corp. - Taipei, Taiwan

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HippoScreen Neurotech Corp.
Taipei, Taiwan
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Company description
HNC was established with the goal of filling the gap in mental health diagnosis. Before the company was founded, we collaborated with psychiatrists to research whether electroencephalogram (EEG) could be used to diagnose depression. We were encouraged by the results and had several publications on the topic. We wanted to take it further and make it available to a wider audience, as there are so many people suffering from depression who are not receiving treatment due to inaccurate assessment. This is what we strive to change with HNC. We hope to become the world's leading provider of EEG-based mental health solutions.

The SEA system is our first product designed to diagnose depression using brainwaves. The diagnosis of depression is usually based on a set of guidelines that doctors  
Show more adhere to when questioning their patients about their feelings, mood, sleeping habits, and other symptoms. The SEA system, however, is able to analyze brainwaves and generate an assessment report to assist doctors in providing more accurate diagnoses. There are three primary benefits of the SEA system:

1) Fast measurement time - only 2 minutes from capturing brainwaves to generating the assessment report;
2) High usability - it only requires 8 channels of EEG data, making the system setup simple;
3) High accuracy - the AI algorithm has achieved an accuracy rate of over 80% with clinical data evaluation.

In addition, HNC is also developing algorithms for the detection of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer
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